Yiruma (* 1978)

Yiruma 20th Anniversary SOLO: Original

Collection of Piano Scores

Auteur / Componist:
84 pagina’s
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


Yiruma SOLO: Original is the authorised collection from the best-selling album SOLO, written and scored by Yiruma for piano solo.

Yiruma’s musical journey began at age five, when a fascination with the piano grew into a love for music and composition. Since then, Yiruma’s huge popularity has led to many sold-out performances and award-winning albums around the world. He continues to find inspiration in people around him, and hopes his music can heal, inspire, and remind the audience of love and hope.

“I have compiled a list of my pieces for solo piano that have existed for a long time. These works were the simplest way of capturing a specific moment and feeling when I wrote them. I would like to share these moments with you now and wish sincerely that my music be a hand to hold along the winding path of life.” - Yiruma


  • Sometimes someone
  • Destiny of love
  • Lost in Island
  • Shining smile
  • Spring Waltz
  • Joy
  • 27 May
  • The sunbeams they scatter
  • I
  • If I could see you again
  • It's your day
  • Kiss the rain
  • Lord hold my hand
  • River flows in you
23,00  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (België)
op de verlanglijst

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