

DL: Steinberg Dorico Pro 5
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Steinberg Dorico Pro 5


Artikelnr.: 1781366

588,80  €incl. BTW
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DL: Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 EDU Crossgrade (from Sibelius and
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Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 EDU Crossgrade (from Sibelius and Capella)


Artikelnr.: 1794161

182,10  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Wavelab Pro 12
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Wavelab Pro 12


Artikelnr.: 1862203

507,40  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 Crossgrade (from Sibelius and Cap
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Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 Crossgrade (from Sibelius and Capella)


Artikelnr.: 1794159

304,10  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: EarMaster Pro 7
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EarMaster Pro 7

Die komplette Trainings-Software für Gehörbildung, Vom-Blatt-Singen, Intonation, Rhythmus und Timing


Artikelnr.: 1795368

61,00  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Vocal Trainer
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Vocal Trainer

Mehr als 200 Gesangsübungen. Zeige allen, was in deiner Stimme steckt!


Artikelnr.: 1795374

20,30  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Cubase Elements 14 EDU
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Cubase Elements 14 EDU

Education Version


Artikelnr.: 1862211

66,10  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Cubase Artist 14 EDU
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Cubase Artist 14 EDU

Education Version


Artikelnr.: 1862210

161,70  €incl. BTW
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DL: Cubase Pro 14 EDU
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Cubase Pro 14 EDU

Education Version


Artikelnr.: 1862207

354,90  €incl. BTW
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DL: Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 EDU
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Steinberg Dorico Pro 5 EDU


Artikelnr.: 1794115

365,10  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Cubase Pro 14
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Cubase Pro 14


Artikelnr.: 1862199

588,80  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Cubase Artist 14
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Cubase Artist 14


Artikelnr.: 1862200

334,60  €incl. BTW
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DL: Steinberg Dorico Elements 5 EDU
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Steinberg Dorico Elements 5 EDU


Artikelnr.: 1794154

68,20  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
DL: Steinberg Dorico Elements 5
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Steinberg Dorico Elements 5


Artikelnr.: 1781374

101,70  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
D.S. Mash: Musicians and Computers (Bu+CDr)
David S. Mash

Musicians and Computers

interactice with CD-ROM
Ultimate Beginner Tech Start Series

Boek, CD-ROM

Artikelnr.: 291737

29,95  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (be)
DL: Cubase Elements 14
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Cubase Elements 14


Artikelnr.: 1862201

101,70  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
M.S. Horn: Introduction to Digital Music with Python Pr (Bu)
Michael S. Horn, Melanie West, Cameron Roberts

Introduction to Digital Music with Python Programming

Learning Music with Code

Boek (softcover)

Artikelnr.: 1861054

61,90  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 1–2 maanden
M.S. Horn: Introduction to Digital Music with Python  (BuHc)
Michael S. Horn, Melanie West, Cameron Roberts

Introduction to Digital Music with Python Programming

Learning Music with Code

Boek (hardcover)

Artikelnr.: 1861057

213,30  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
DL: Wavelab Elements 12
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Wavelab Elements 12


Artikelnr.: 1862196

101,70  €incl. BTW
Downloadbaar product – direct beschikbaar.
T. Rudolph: Sibelius (Software) (Bu)
Thomas Rudolph, Vincent Leonard

Sibelius (Software)

A Comprehensive Guide to Sibelius Music Notation Software


Artikelnr.: 467069

21,99  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–5 weken
scores2edit  - Grooves Edition (CD-ROM)

scores2edit - Grooves Edition

Groove- und Rhythmusvorlagen für Finale-Programme


Artikelnr.: 665081

20,30  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 1–2 weken (be)
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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