Arranging for the Concert Band
voor: Harmonieorkest
Muziek lesboek
Artikelnr.: 910595
Arranging for the Concert Band and the separately available workbook are intended to introduce students to basic techniques of arranging for the concert band. Arranging can be divided into two separate processes. The first deals with scoring and transcribing. Scoring is concerned with such things as voicing, doubling, balance and color. The term scoring also means the actual writing of notes on the score paper. Transcribing is scoring music written for one kind of musical instrument or group -- say a piano or orchestra -- for a different kind of group. This text deals with those matters. The second part of arranging is the more creative process of writing introductions, modulations, endings, background figures and so on.
Alfred Music, 285 Century Pl, CO 80027 Louisville, Colorado, US,
Alfred Music Publishing GmbH, Lützerathstraße 127, 51107 Köln, DE,
voor: Harmonieorkest
Muziek lesboek
Artikelnr.: 910595
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