Taylor Swift – The Tortured Poets Department

The Anthology

Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (0)Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (1)Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (2)Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (3)Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (4)Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Departmen, Git;Ges (GitSb) (5)
Gitaar; zangstem ad lib.
Gitaar songbook (tekst, akkoorden, gitaargrepen)
128 pagina’s
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


You've memorized all the songs from the double album, now it's time to play them for yourself! Our matching folio to The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology features all 31 tracks meticulously arranged for guitar, with chord symbols, guitar chord frames, and full lyrics. Dive into the emotional depth of Swift's music and play along with your favorite tracks from “Fortnight” to “The Manuscript,” to “So Long, London” to “So High School,” and all the others. Immerse yourself in the storytelling prowess of Taylor Swift and bring her songs to life with your own unique voice and talent!

31,50  €
Levertijd: 3–5 weken
op de verlanglijst

Aanverwante artikelen

T. Swift: The Tortured Poets Department, GesKlavGit (SBPVG)
Taylor Swift

The Tortured Poets Department

The Anthology

voor: Zangstem, piano [gitaar]

Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

Artikelnr.: 1697284

49,99  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (be)
T. Swift: The Tortured Poets Department, Klav;Ges
Taylor Swift

The Tortured Poets Department

Easy Piano Personality

voor: Piano; zangstem ad lib.


Artikelnr.: 1697285

49,99  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (be)
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