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Benedetto Marcello (1686 – 1739)

Six Sonatas

for two cellos and basso continuo

DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (0)DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (1)DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (2)DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (3)DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (4)DL: B. Marcello: Six Sonatas, 2VcBc (Part(C)+St) (5)
2 cello's, basso continuo
Partituur (c), losse partijen Download artikel
Auteur / Componist:
120 pagina’s; 23,2 × 30,5 cm
48 minuten
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Productie nr.:
ASE 0023


Benedetto Marcello (1686—1739) composed only two collections of pieces involving the cello as its main actor. One consists of the most famous Six Sonatas for cello and basso continuo all cellists had to face in one way or another in their studies. The other—presented here—is another group of six sonatas, this time for two cellos (or gamba viols) and basso continuo.
The beauty of Marcello’s melodies and contrapuntal artifices is preserved and amplified by the second soloist, while the required technical level is somewhat less de- manding compared to the solo sonatas. There is no thumb position required, but rhythmical complexity balances it out.
This edition offers them all in modern notation, and with several errors corrected, ensuring a flawless practicing experience and performance from day one.

40,00  €
incl. BTW
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