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Enrique Granados (1867 – 1916)

Intermezzo from "Goyescas"

for cello solo and cello ensemble (4 parts)

Cello solo, cello ensemble
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Auteur / Componist:
32 pagina’s; 23,2 × 30,5 cm
6:00 minuten
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Productie nr.:
ASE 0001


The decision to publish a version for cello choir comes from my personal experience as a student of prof. Marcio Carneiro in Sion, Switzerland, when an adaptation for cello solo and cello choir of the version by Cassadó for cello and piano was proposed during the academic year. That version was published in 2018, and will remain available digitally upon request.

The present revision, instead, follows exclusively the original piano part. All inconsistencies introduced by Cassadò were removed, and the solo line has been distributed more evenly among the different voices.

This edition contains a full score and a complete set of parts, free from fingering and bowing suggestions. It requires a minimum of five cellists to be performed. Should more be available, we suggest doubling the lower voices first.

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