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Friedrich Dotzauer (1783 – 1860)

Twelve Original Pieces, Op. 52 (Collector's Edition)

for Two Cellos

2 cello's
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Auteur / Componist:
248 pagina’s; 23,2 × 30,5 cm
30 minuten
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Productie nr.:
ASE 0027B


The Twelve Original Pieces for Two Cellos, Op. 52 by J. J. F. Dotzauer (1783—1860) leave behind the comfort of the first four positions of the left hand, venturing, thus, into the intermediary ones. They provide the perfect follow up to the previously published Op. 58 and Op. 159. In this collection, students will be able to enjoy no less than five fugues for two cellos, a genre seldom faced before one get to practice J. S. Bach’s 5th Suite for cello solo.

This edition is offered in two versions, Basic & Collector’s Edition. The Basic version is based on the first edition published by Dotzauer at Breitkopf & Härtel in the 1820s. The Collector’s Edition adds the version of these pieces as it appears in the 57 Little Duets compiled by Johannes Klingenberg (1852—1905), and published at the end of the XIX century, and personal fingering and bowing suggestions by ASE main editor, Michele Galvagno.

Check this promotional video to hear how they sound:

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Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE,

40,00  €
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Friedrich Dotzauer

Twelve Original Pieces, Op. 52

for Two Cellos

voor: 2 cello's

Partituur (c), losse partijen

Artikelnr.: 1640650

25,00  €incl. BTW
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