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Barbara Arens (* 1960), Alison Mathews

Songs for all Seasons

Piano music inspired by seasonal folk songs

DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (0)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (1)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (2)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (3)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (4)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (5)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (6)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (7)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (8)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (9)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (10)DL: B. Arens: Songs for all Seasons, Klav (11)

Dusk on the River

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Auteur / Componist:
52 pagina’s
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Alison & Barbara have been collaborating again: each has written two pieces for each of the four seasons. Woven into most of these 16 pieces is a folk song - mainly English and German, but also Japanese, Chinese, Guatemalan and Maya! - bringing a further layer of atmosphere to the pieces. A variety of styles is used: contemporary lyric, jazzy, symphonic rock, afro-cuban dance rhythms. Two of the pieces are duets for one piano, four hands. Mostly early advanced/Gr.6-7.



  • Spring Blossoms
  • Rumba in the Spring
  • April Showers
  • Birds in the Spring


  • Dusk on the River
  • A Fragrant Summer Evening
  • Picnic on the beach
  • We're off to the sea!


  • A warm, Golden Autumn Day
  • Autumn Gale
  • Harvest Dance
  • Tramping Through Fallen Leaves


  • A Cold, Still Winter's Morning
  • The Forest in Winter
  • Bitter Cold
  • Farewell to the Old Year
9,50  €
incl. BTW
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