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Romantic Trumpet Duos

Schott Trumpet Classics

2 Trompeten (Kornette) in B und Klavier
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Duits, Engels
67 pagina’s
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
ED 23585D Q577584


These works of medium difficulty come from the estate of the trumpeter Edward Tarr, probably planned for an edition, and are now published again for the first time since the end of the 19th century, thus filling in the gap of romantic chamber music for trumpet. With works by Oskar Boehme, Anton Rubinstein, Anton Doerfeldt and others. The editor Kristin Thielemann has recorded all the pieces together with trumpeter Reinhold Friedrich and pianist Eriko Takezawa-Friedrich as demo versions. Suitable for lessons, auditions and concerts.

Schott Music


  • Oskar Böhme: Scherzo, op. 10
  • Konstantin P. Vilboa: Sailors/Matrosen
  • Alexander S. Dargomyschski: The Cavaliers/Die Cavaliere
  • Anton G. Rubinstein: Farewell/Der Abschied
  • Alexander S.Dargomyschski: Lovely Girls/Schöne Mädchen
  • Stanisław Moniuszko: Village Serenade/Dorfständchen
  • Konstantin P. Vilboa: The Little Bird/Das Vöglein
  • Anton A. Dörfeldt: The Wanderers/Die Wanderer
14,99  €
incl. BTW
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